upside trend - tradução para alemão
Dicionário Online

upside trend - tradução para alemão

Trend Analysis; Trend forecasting; Trend (statistics); Trend studies; Trend analytics

upside down         
Upside Down (song); Upsidedown; Up side down; Upside down; Upside Down (single); Upside Down (film); Upside-down; Upside Down (disambiguation); Upside Down (album)
mit dem Kopf nach unten, auf dem Kopf; umgekehrt, durcheinander
trend analysis         
Trendanalyse (Analyse von Tendenzen)
upside trend      
in Richtung Oberseite


·noun The upper side; the part that is uppermost.


Trend analysis

Trend analysis is the widespread practice of collecting information and attempting to spot a pattern. In some fields of study, the term has more formally defined meanings.

Although trend analysis is often used to predict future events, it could be used to estimate uncertain events in the past, such as how many ancient kings probably ruled between two dates, based on data such as the average years which other known kings reigned.